Coming from Wisconsin I love cheese! Grilled cheese being one of my top ten favorite foods. For one of our many birthday potlucks we chose to do a grilled cheese theme. Melodie (one of our designers) brought these little pound cake grilled cheese desserts instead. Here’s how you make these tasty treats!
Pound Cake (store bought or baked – I used this recipe and mini pans)
8 oz Cream Cheese
1.5 cups Powdered Sugar
Yellow and Red Food Dye
1 tablespoon Butter
Frying pan
Step 1:
Using a store-bought pound cake or standard size pound cake, cut it into ½ inch thick slices and then quarter them to be small squares. For the mini pan, just slice them into ½ thick slices. 2 slices = one dessert grilled cheese.Use a sharp knife. If it gets crumbly, put the pound cake in the fridge/freezer for a bit.
Step 2:
Next, butter one side of each of the slices and pop them butter side down into a frying pan. Cook on medium-low until they are looking a bit crispy/browned (like a good grilled cheese).
Step 3:
After those are done, allow them to cool while you make the filling.
Step 4:
In a bowl and using an electric or stand mixer, mix cream cheese with powdered sugar until the flavor is to your liking. Roughly 1.5 cups of powdered sugar to an 8oz container of cream cheese. If it gets too thick, add a splash of milk. Add 10 drops yellow food coloring and 2 drops red and continue mixing until you have your preferred “cheese” color.
Step 5:
Frost the non-grilled side of the pound cake and place another piece on top (grilled side up).
Step 6:
Ta-dah! Grilled Cheese dessert! YUM! You can also use a sharp knife to cut it in half. I like mine as triangles.